About the Partnership

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), Faces & Voices of Recovery and Join Together are collaborating to build on this powerful opportunity to expand public understanding of addiction and recovery.

With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a grassroots campaign is working in communities across the country to maximize the impact of HBO’s ADDICTION documentary in their local communities in the weeks leading up to and the months following the broadcast of the program through National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month in September 2007.

Local, State and National Events
Events nationwide with a special focus on 30 communities will bring together community coalitions, people in long-term recovery and their families, elected officials, civil servants and allied organizations to raise awareness about addiction and recovery and promote new attitudes and policies. 

Through a variety of local activities, communities across the country will use the HBO show to jump start or expand advocacy activities to make it possible for more people to get the help they need:

The Campaign encourages communities to form broad-based local partnerships to sustain their activities over the long term.  In addition, communities will promote the campaign’s messages through ongoing media advocacy efforts such as editorial board meetings and other press outreach.

This interactive website is designed to arm communities with a range of online and downloadable organizing tools to support their efforts. Website visitors can:

In addition AddictionAction.org will provide materials on policy issues addressed in the program such as ending insurance discrimination; expanding opportunities for medication-assisted recovery; and making it possible for people to get the help they need when they need it.

Contact: Mary E. Elliott, [email protected]

CADCA is the only national organization representing coalitions working to make America’s communities safe, healthy and drug-free. CADCA represents over 5,000 community coalitions working to support prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery services. Coalitions connect multiple sectors of the community to create comprehensive local plans that address the root causes of alcohol and other drug addiction and their community impact. Founded in 1992, CADCA provides training and technical assistance, public policy and advocacy, communications strategies, conferences and special events.

Contact: Tom Coderre, [email protected]

Faces & Voices is a national campaign founded by the recovery community in 2001. The organization is committed to mobilizing and organizing the millions of Americans in long-term recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction, our families, friends and allies to change public perceptions of recovery, end discrimination and keep a focus on the fact that recovery works and is making life better for millions of Americans.

Contact: Roberta Leis, [email protected]

Since 1991, Join Together, a program of the Boston University School of Public Health, has been the nation’s leading provider of information, strategic assistance, and leadership development for community-based efforts to advance effective alcohol and drug policy, prevention, and treatment. Through extensive online information resources and national policy panels, Join Together helps community leaders understand and use the most current scientifically valid prevention and treatment approaches. 

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